The hospital consists of 8 Critical Care Units (CCUs) and 7 Intensive Care Units (ICUs), highly specialized and fully equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. These units offer intensive care (monitoring and treatment) for unstable and critically ill patients.
An ICU patient demands constant medical attention and support to function. They may be suffering from multiple organ failure or needing a ventilator for breathing. Advanced medical equipment will take care of the patient’s needs while he/she recovers.
When does a patient need intensive care?
A patient may be admitted to the ICU following an accident, chronic illness, or surgery. Besides, patients demanding advanced respiratory support and those with chronic impairment of one or two organ systems, or multiple organ failure, are also eligible for admission to the ICU.
Some situations and conditions that may lead to a person requiring intensive care include:
- Road accidents, a severe head injury, falls, burns
- A stroke or a heart attack
- A serious infection, like pneumonia or sepsis
- A major surgery – Intensive care may be needed either as an emergency measure to avoid complications or as a part of the recovery plan
What does intensive care involve?
Patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit will be closely monitored by a team of professionals. Equipment that may be used to monitor their bodily functions until recovery includes:
- A ventilator – The machine helps pump oxygen into the body, thus helping you breathe.
- Monitoring equipment – This is used to measure blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen level, and other vital bodily functions.
- IV pumps & lines – This involves inserting tubes intravenously to provide fluids, medications and nutrition
- A feeding tube – This medical device is used to provide nutrition to patients who may have difficulty swallowing or are unable to obtain nutrition orally, or require nutritional supplements.
- catheters and drains – drains are tubes used to eliminate blood or fluid build-up from the body; catheters are thin tubes inserted into the bladder to drain urine.
ICU patients are often kept on heavy sedatives and painkillers, as some of the equipment used can be discomforting.
Our Services:
- The highest standards of medical expertise
- Access to trained nurses and staff
- Specialized equipment for monitoring
What to Expect
The CCU/ICU provides medical care to varying patient populations:
- Young to older adults
- Adolescents
- Infants/toddlers
- Geriatric
We, at MNBC, understand that staying in the ICU can be intimidating for both the patient and their loved ones, and so we are always by your side to help and provide the best care and support. Our goal is to offer compassionate care to critically ill patients round-the-clock.
Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit
The Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit (NSICU) at MNBC is a 4-bed specialized unit offering state-of-the-art treatment to patients with neurological disorders. The unit cares for patients with injuries to the brain, spinal cord, nerves and related muscles. Multidisciplinary teamwork by our expert teams of doctors, nurses and technicians enables us to provide superior patient care in the NSICU.
The neurocritical care team is available 24×7 and works closely with a group of stroke specialists, interventional neuroradiologists, neurosurgeons, and epileptologists to provide the best care possible for all neurological and neurosurgical emergencies.
Conditions treated at NSICU:
- Epidural hematoma (EDH)
- Subdural hematoma (SDH)
- Intracranial haemorrhage (ICH)
- Glioblastoma
- Ischemic stroke
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Spinal cord injury