MEDICA Wellness Programe:
We offer you a wide range of screening programme to suit individual needs. This guide will help you to choose the package most suited to you and also prepare you for the check-up. Feel free to clarify any doubts you can contact our coordinator.
MEDICA Health Check–Up Packages:

CBC ( Hb, TLC, DLC, RBC, MCV, MCH, PCV, MCHS, ESR, Platelet Count) | Blood sugar-Fasting & PP| Urea, Creatinine| Uric Acid | Liver Function Test (Total protein albumin, Globulin, SGOT,SGPT,SGTP, Alkaline Phospatas, S.Bilirubin (T&D) | Lipid Profile (Total Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol / HDL Ratio) | Thyroid Profile | Urine R/E | Stool | ECG | USG Whole Abdomen (Screening) | PSA (Male Only) | PAP Smear (Females Only) | X-Ray Chest PA | Diet Consultation | Physiotherapist Consultation | Physician Consultation | Breakfast
₹ 4999/-

CBC ( Hb, TLC, DLC, RBC, MCV, MCH, PCV, MCHS, ESR, Platelet Count) | Blood sugar-Fasting & PP| Urea, Creatinine| Urine R/E | Stool | ECG | X-Ray Chest PA | Diet Consultation | Physician Consultation | Breakfast | USG W/A Screening
₹ 1999/-

CBC ( Hb, TLC, DLC, ESR| Blood sugar-Fasting & PP| Calcium| Urine R/E | Thyroid Profile (T3,T4,TSH) | USG Pelvis (Screening) |ECG | X-Ray Chest PA | PAP Smear | Follicle Stimulating Hormone | USG Breast Screening | Diet Consultation | Gynaecology Consultation | Breakfast
₹ 2999/-

CBC ( Hb, TLC, DLC, RBC, MCV, MCH, PCV, MCHS, ESR, Platelet Count) | Blood sugar-Fasting & PP| Urea, Creatinine| Urine R/E| Lipid Profile (Total Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol / HDL Ratio) |Urine Albumin| HbA1C | ECG| Uric Acid | Diet Consultation | Physician Consultation | Breakfast
₹ 2499/-

CBC ( Hb, TLC, DLC, RBC, MCV, MCH, PCV, MCHS, ESR, Platelet Count) | Blood Grouping | Urine R/E | Stool | Diet Consultation | Paediatric Consultation | Breakfast
₹ 999/-

CBC ( Hb, TLC, DLC, RBC, MCV, MCH, PCV, MCHS, ESR, Platelet Count) | Urine R/E | Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) | X-Ray Chest PA | Mammography | USG W/A screening | Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) (Male) |PAP Smear (Females Only) | Diet Consultation | Paediatric Consultation
₹ 2999/- Male, ₹ 2899/- Female

Chest X-Ray | ECG (12 Lead) | CBC | RBS | TSH | KFT | PFT | Dietecian | Pulmonology | Breakfast
₹ 4270/-

Blood Urea | CBC | Inorganic Phosphorous | Serum Albumin | Serum Calcium | Serum Creatinine | Blood Sugar fasting | Urine R/E | Serum Sodium | Serum Uric Acid | SGOT | Serum Potassium | Dietician | Nephro consultation | Breakfast | USG KUB
₹ 2499/-

CBC | LFT | Creatinine | Potassium | HBA1c | Lipid Profile | USG Upper Abdomen | Gastroenterologist Consultation | Dietician Consultation | Breakfast
₹ 2499/-
Preconception Health Packages:
Blood Grouping (ABO & Rh) | Complete Blood Count (CBC), VDRL | TSH | Sugar | HBsAg| HIV| HCV| USG Pregnancy/TVS| Urine R/E
₹ 2200/-
Blood Grouping (ABO & Rh) | Complete Blood Count (CBC), VDRL | TSH | Sugar | HBsAg| HIV| HCV| USG (Whole Abdomen)/TVS| Urine R/E |Abnormal HD Studies| TORCH- IgG & IgM (9 Parameters)
₹ 4300/-
Blood Grouping (ABO & Rh) | Complete Blood Count (CBC), VDRL | TSH | Sugar | HBsAg| HIV| HCV| USG (Whole Abdomen)/TVS| Urine R/E |Abnormal HD Studies| TORCH- IgG & IgM (9 Parameters) | Karyotyping
₹ 6700/-
- Prior appointments needed. Walk-ins are also entertained.
- For Appointment, Please call- 9775244101, 0353- 2510441/2518667
- 10 hours fasting is essential prior to the check-up, water can be consumed.
- If you are diabetic on medication, maintain normal schedule.
- Carry previous medical records
- For corporate, an authorization letter is required for availing services paid by the company.
- Certain tests like X-rays are not to be done if you are pregnant.